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orientation of assembly members

The Office of the Head Local Government Service (OHLGS) in collaboration with the Institute of Local Government Studies (ILGS), on August 11th and 12th 2020, organised an orientation and trainig workshop for all Honourable Assembly Members of the Mfantseman Municipal Assembly as part of the nationwide orientation and workshop taking place in all the 260 MMDA’s in Ghana.

The objectives of the Orientation and Workshop were:

  • To introduce Hon. Assembly Members to the Local Government System, Challenges, oportunities and their expected roles and responsiblilities
  • Expose Hon. Assembly Members with skills necessary for effective job performance and personal conduct.
  • Equip Hon. Assembly Members with the competence required to appreciate and be more responsive for creating an enabling environment for Local Economic Development, Industralisation, Job creation, Revenue Mobilisation, etc.
  • Afford Hon. Assembly Members an opportinity to build networks and mutually shared experience as well as best practices fro accelerated development at the local level
  • Set the agenda as well as reach concensus for expending action on Ghana’s decentralisation programme.

Presentations were made on the following thematic areas:

  1. Ghana’s decentralisation policy and the Local Government System
  2. The Assembly as a system and the specific roles and responsibilities of Hon. Assembly Members
  3. Public Health Functions of MMDA’s including Public Health Emergencies
  4. Overview of the Model Standing Orders
  5. Assembly Members as leaders and change agents
  6. Localising Ghana Beyond Aid – Implications for MMDA’s
  7. Ethics, Transparency and Accountability in the management of Assemblies