Client Service Sensitisation for Staff of the Mfantseman Municipal Assembly

Pursuant to the directive of the Local Government Service (LGS) date 11th December 2014 of the establishment of the Client Service Unit in all Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) the section 27 (1D) of the Local Governance Act 2016 (Act 936) mandated every Assembly to established a functional Client Service Unit (CSU) and Mfantseman Municipal Assembly established their Client Service Unit on the 16th February 2015.
As one of the plans and strategies for implementation of the Client Service Unit of Mfantseman Municipal Assembly, the Client Service Officer Ms. Charlotte Adjei had the opportunity from management to organise a Client Service Sensitization programme for staff on Thursday 21st December 2023 to help strengthen the overall service delivery by staff to improve Client satisfaction in the municipality.