Just as will be done by the Government of Ghana in November 2022, The 2023 Budget Hearing of the Mfantseman Municipal Assembly was held at the Cape Coast Metropolitan Assembly(CCMA) on Monday October 24, 2022, together with three other participating assemblies namely, the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo Abrem(KEEA) Municipal Assembly, the Ekumfi District Assembly and our host, the Cape Coast Metropolitan Assembly.
This budget hearing, just like ones previously held sought to understand the progress the municipality has made in terms of its Internally Generated Funds, how they were utilised to develop the Municpality, and how External Funds received by the Government and Donor Agencies were also utilised for the 2022 fiscal year under review. It also seeks to understand the projects and programs that the Municipal Assembly seeks to undertake within the Municipality for the 2023 fiscal year as captured in the 2023 Annual Action Plan and how these projects and programs are intended to be funded.
In attendance at the Budget Hearing were the Central Regional Minister, Hon. Justina Marigold Assan, the Regional Coordinating Director, Mr. Kingsley Agyei-Boahene, senior officers and key stakeholders. The Mfansteman Municipal Assembly were also accompanied by the Municipal Chief Executive, Hon. Ike Lord Ennu, The Municipal Coordinating Director, Mr. Justice Amoah, heads of the various Units and Departments, Chairpersons of the various statutory sub-committees, and designated opinion leaders of the Mfantseman Municipality.
The 2023 Budget was presented by Mr. Ebenezer Asema Mensah, the Municipal Budget Analyst and was then subjected to thorough review. All suggested inputs were to be completed and then approved by the General Assembly of the Mfantseman Municipal Assembly.