Works Department
The Works Department is established at MMDAs as per Second Schedule of the Local Governance Act, 2016 (Act 936).

To become a well – respected and reliable technical and engineering services department.

To improve the living standards of Ghanaians by offering superior services through effective stakeholder collaboration for the provision and maintenance of adequate, safe, cost effective and socio – economic infrastructure in an environmentally sustainable manner.
Objectives of the Establishment of the Works Department
- To ensure an integrated and harmonised infrastructural development at the district level
- To create synergy among work related activities
- To ensure effective, efficient and sustainable service delivery ( value for money)
- To provide technical services for all works related activities (Feeder Roads, Buildings, and Water Systems etc.)
- To maintain public works infrastructure (Feeder Roads, Buildings, Water, etc.)
- To prevent the creation of slums and to upgrade existing slums
- To develop a maintenance plan for public infrastructure in a coordinated and sustainable manner.
General Functions and Responsibilities of the Works Department:
- The Works Department in the MMDA shall:
- Assist the Assembly to formulate policies on works within the framework of national policies;
- Assist to establish and specify the programmes of action necessary for the implementation of physical plans;
- Facilitate the implementation of policies on works and report to the Assembly;
- Advise the Assembly on matters relating to works in the district;
- Assist to prepare tender documents for all works and works-related supply of goods and technical services to be undertaken by the Assembly through contracts or community initiated projects;
- Facilitate the construction, repair and maintenance of;
- Feeder roads in the District Assembly level, and
- Drains along any feeder roads in the District Assembly level;
- Community water and sanitation systems in the District;
- Advise on the construction, repair, maintenance and diversion or alteration of the course of any street in consultation with other relevant departments in the District;
- Advise and facilitate the maintenance of Public buildings (offices, schools, health facilities, residential accommodation etc.) In the district;
- Assist to build, equip, and maintain commercial public buildings and prohibit the erection of stalls/shops/stores in places other than the markets and designated commercial areas;
- Facilitate the provision of adequate and wholesome supply of potable water in conjunction with relevant stakeholders for the entire district;
- Collaborate with other relevant Departments of the Assembly in the inspection of projects undertaken by the District Assembly;
- Advise the Assembly in conjunction with other relevant stakeholders on the prohibition of:
- Digging of burrow pits or other excavations, and
- The sinking of wells or their closure;
- Provide technical and engineering assistance on works undertaken by the Assembly;
- Facilitate the registration and maintenance of data on public buildings;
- In consultation with power supply companies and other service providers (renewable energy technologies), facilitate the provision of street lighting in the District;
- Provide technical advice for the machinery and structural layout of building plans to facilitate escape from fire, rescue operation and fire management;
- Assist to maintain the integrity of approved spatial and land use plans for all major settlements in the district;
- Assist in the enforcement of any regulatory enactment on physical infrastructural development;
- Advise the Assembly on slum upgrading for slum settlements in the district; and
- Assist in the review and approvals of building permit applications in line with the Ghana Building Code and other regulatory enactments.
Download and Read the Operational manual that sets the tone for the work we do in this department